Forge the Future (58)Full unit name: Forge the Future (Tatooine)
Last updated: 12.02.2023 12:01:51
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Tatooine
Known Facts (4)
"Look, these people have it rough in the best of times, but between pirates and sandstorms and Sand People... we can't take much more. If you leave without finishing the job you started, how long before the Empire claims this planet?"
- Galen Besk to the Republic operatives

Around the year 3643 BBY, a team of the Republic operatives were preparing to depart the planet of Tatooine
, after completing their missions. Galen Besk
Galen Besk
Minor Characters (TOR)
, Anchorhead community leader, was aware of the their exploits on the planet, and when a sandstorm hit Anchorhead as the operatives were leaving, Besk asked for their assistance in getting people inside the spaceport and out of the storm. The operatives helped to shuttle people to the spaceport. After the sandstorm which destroyed three power generators, Besk revealed his knowledge of their travels and asked the operatives to stay and help a little longer, in order to help unify the settlements. Besk believed that Tatooine's only chance was unity - making communities that could have stand together against warlords and monsters.
Besk had learned of the Empire's plans to destroy the trading post of Espelar - also known as Camp Karnori, a nearby settlement. He believed that if the operatives helped solve the problems afflicting many of the Republic settlements on the planet, the citizens would be able to better stand up against the native Sand People
Sentient Species
, pirates
, warlords, and even the Empire. The sandstorm had disabled the trading post's defenses, prompting the Empire to send in a team of saboteurs to eliminate it. Besk asked the operatives to stop the saboteurs, using their feelings of responsibility to gain their help.
The operatives agreed to help and went to the Northern Wastes region, where they found an Imperial saboteurs
Imperial Army (Sith Empire)
Reconstituted Sith Empire
and their attacker
AT-A01 Assassin Droid
Old Republic Assassin Droid classes
and reconnaissance
ICC-A01 Probe Droid
Old Republic Probe Droid classes
droids who were preparing for an attack.
The operatives attacked and quickly overpowered the saboteurs and the droids. Then they mounted their speeder bikes and drove towards Espelar settlement. When they arrived in Espelar, they met with Mayor Airen
Minor Characters (TOR)
, head of the outpost. She agreed with Galen Besk's assessement of Espelar importance and asked the operatives to go look around and find what could be done to help, mentioning dozen tribes of Sand People, pirates and some equipment needed to be repaired.
The operatives went on to help a number of settlers across the Jundland Wastes. The operatives helped train
Militia's Training
(Forge the Future)
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Espelar's militia
Citizens' Militia
Planetary and Sector
, and took the recruit Vastil
Minor Characters (TOR)
and his men to rescue
Militia's Trial
(Forge the Future)
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
a group of militiamen from Manister Base, a nearby militia base. The base had been overrun by a Geonosian
Sentient Species
hive, which had seized control of the base's supplies and weapons. The operatives held off the Geonosians while the militia fled to Outpost Largona to the south. The operatives also helped
The Water Pirates
(Forge the Future)
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
recover stolen water from the Twin Suns pirates
Twin Suns
Planetary and Sector
for Dester
Minor Characters (TOR)
and several other Largona settlers. They also helped
Show of Force
(Forge the Future)
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Professor Larcoh
Minor Characters (TOR)
in his studies of the culture of Tusken Raiders. On their way back to Anchorhead, the operatives passed through Estelar again, delivering the defense data they had taken from Polarin
Polarin the War Marshal
Minor Characters (TOR)
at Manister Base to the outpost's militia headquarters.
When the operatives returned to Besk, he thanked them and urged them to continue on the journey, warning the operatives that enemies were still working against the Republic. When asked how he knew so much, Besk revealed that he was a former Jedi
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
and thanked the operative again for the help.
See also
Related organizations
Imperial Army (Sith Empire)
Tusken Warrior 01
Tusken Warrior 02
Geonosian Drone
Geonosian Warrior
Twin Suns Member (M03)
Citizens' Militia
Republic Operatives
Weapons (1)
Members (5)
Members (1)
Related units, characters and technologies
Doctor Aidarro
Galen Besk
Cole Darba
Junter Galt
Polarin the War Marshal
Militia Recruit 1
Militia Recruit 2
ACKLAY-A01 War Droid
CBD-A02 Combat Battle Droid
AT-A01 Assassin Droid
ICC-A01 Probe Droid
SEN-A01 Probe Droid
Events that took place during this period
Militia's Training
Militia's Trial
The Water Pirates
Show of Force
Complete list

Full unit name: Forge the Future (Tatooine) Last updated: 12.02.2023 12:01:51